Mobile Development using IONIC

Good Day everyone! I am go through with different seminars that is required for our advance seminar subjects. So l am going to start sharing my insights regarding on the seminar that I attended.

On 19th day of October 2019, we, the 4th year BSIT students conducted and actively participated in the Mobile Development Seminar using IONIC held at ITR3, IT Bldg. at Davao del Norte State College with our resource speaker Robert Allan Gemong.

       As we embrace the modernization in our world, there are lots of application that is being develop either it is useful or not. How to build application? One of the platform use in building application is Ionic. Ionic is a complete open-source SDK for hybrid mobile app development created by Max Lynch, Ben Sperry, and Adam Bradley of Drifty Co. in 2013. The original version was released in 2013 and built on top of AngularJS and Apache Cordova. However, The latest release was re-built as a set of Web Components, allowing the user to choose any user interface framework, such as AngularReact or Vue.js.(Wikipedia,2013).

            Why we need to build using Ionic? Ionic is a powerful HTML5 SDK that helps to build native-feeling mobile apps using web technologies like HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Ionic is focused mainly on the look and feel, and UI interaction of the app. Ionic simply fits in well with these projects in order to simplify one big part of the app: the front end. Ionic currently requires AngularJS in order to work its full potential.
            We started the seminar by installing first the ionic by following the guides to install: first install node.js then install Cordova and the ionic CLI tools after that I started on creating the app. In creating the app, it needs to ensure the directory of the app and run the command $ionic start.

After creating, we need to run the app but don’t quit the command running or else app won’t run just like what happen to me after make an index file that serves as displayed in the app. After testing the app it’s time to build the app.

And this is the app that I build:

After I created my app I feel accomplished building a simple application, and I appreciated every developer who are very diligent in building app, at the same time Ionic it’s really not difficult to get started. And if someone who are still undecided what platform to do in building, well Ionic is the best option that I recommend because the framework is well built and it really helps and give opportunity to develop cross-platform mobile application and it gives a best output.

There are lots of benefits mentioned above that I get on this seminar due to the fact that we are developing our mobile applications for our Capstone Project and it helps us to get an additional information on how to properly build one.      I am fully decided on what a
framework I should use in developing app and Ionic is the best choice. Thanks to our resource speaker for sharing his ideas about Ionic you did well.

Thank you visiting and spending time on my blog!! God bless us all!!

