System Testing and Acceptance Testing

Good Day everyone! As a partial requirement for our Systems Integration and Architecture subject with the advisory Mr. Mark Van M. Buladaco, we need to give summarize, evaluate and give our own exploration for the three topics in the topic discussion. And I am going to give my insights about the System Testing and Acceptance Testing from the group no. 3 presented by Anysa Jaducana and Leonhail Paypa, who’s the previous reporter based on the sequence of discussion.

What is Systems Testing?  It is done on complete application software to check the overall compliance of the product with the functional requirements. System Testing is a type of application testing where we do not have any real interfaces. Functional testing, GUI Testing/Usability Testing, Security Testing and Performance Testing are the different testing approach used in System Testing.

What is Acceptance Testing? It is a pure functional testing to check the system behavior using the real data. It is also called business user testing. From the word itself acceptance, Acceptance Testing is performed by end users to check if the system is built to match the business requirements of the organization. 

After giving brief definition of System and Acceptance Testing, there are two levels of testing which is the Alpha and Beta Testing. Alpha Testing is also called as off-site testing and during this testing the testing team will verify the application in the presence of the end users within the organizational environment. Beta testing should be done by the end users in their own environment in the presence of releasing team. Also the reporters discuss the difference of Systems and Acceptance Testing, and here they are:

Source: PowerPoint Presentation of Group 3

The presenters are very true, they elaborate well their topics in giving a concrete and examples about the topic. The class are interactive in responding to the reporters and I bet they understand the report.

After they presented, it gave us a hints and guide on how we are going to conduct user testing in our deployment period in our Capstone either it gives positive and negative results. Also another thing is I really understand what are the difference between the two, when and where will be use, what are the users testing that will be going to use. And for me, Beta Testing should be the ideal user testing for our Capstone Project Deployment because users will fully use our system in their every transaction and that’s what I’m hoping for. I thank the reporters for a well presentation at the same time for sharing your resources.

Thank you for reading! God bless everyone! 

1.Software Testing Class,"What is the difference between System Testing and AcceptanceTesting",September20,2015.[November 28,2019]
