Unit Testing and Integration Testing

Good Day everyone! In line to my previous post. This is the another topic discussion from the report based on sequence of discussion. And I am going to give my insights about the Unit Testing and Integration Testing from the group no.2 presented by Alvin Alibanggo and Marlou Tablada.

Unit Testing is a testing technique using which individual modules are tested to determine if there are any issues by the developer himself. It is concerned with the functional correctness of the standalone modules. The main aim is to isolate each unit of the system to identify, analyze and fix the details.

Integration Testing is a level of software testing where individual units are combined and tested as a group. The purpose of this level of testing is to expose faults in the interaction between integrated units. Testing done before, during and after integration of a new module of a main software package. This involves testing of each individual code module. One piece of software can contain several different programmers. It’s crucial to test each module’s effect on the entire program model. And there are four types of approach in integration testing: The Big Bang, Top-down, Bottom-up and Sandwich/Hybrid.

            Big Bang Approach is an approach to Integration Testing where all or most of the units are combined together and tested at one go, Top Down is an approach where top-level units are tested first and lower level units are tested step by step after that, Bottom Up is an approach where bottom level units are tested first and upper-level units step by step after that, and the Sandwich/Hybrid is an approach which is a combination of Top Down and Bottom Up approaches.

            But there are lots of differences between the two: The scope of unit testing is narrow; it covers the unit or small piece of code under test. In a unit test shorter codes are used that target just a single class. The scope of integration testing is wide, it covers the whole application under test and it requires much more effort to put together.Unit testing mainly focus on the testing the functionality of individual units only and does not uncover the issues arises when different modules are interacting with each other. Integration testing is to be carried out to discover the issues arise when different modules are interacting with each other to build overall system. Unit testing comes under White box testing type. Integration testing is coming under both Black box and White box type of testing.

             Kudos to the reporters who relay their presentation very well and clear that makes easier to understand. Also they make the class environment alive and attentive because they are both funny and humorous (especially Marlou). I also thank them for giving me their resources and for discussing the topic very elaborated.

I get that in this topic the Unit and Integration testing are both important, especially in fixing the error in an earlier time in the integration test, help to fix the issue and specific functionality in in the unit testing. Also it’s relevant to mitigate the future problems that might encounter in the system. And again it’s very helpful especially in our Capstone where we encounter a lot of revisions due to different test that undergo. And through this topic we are on our ways what should approach must be followed. 

            Thank you for spending your time in reading my post! God Bless us always!


1.Tutorialspoint,"UnitTesting",2019.Availableatonline:https://www.tutorialspoint.com/software_testing_dictionary/unit_testing.html. Acessed:[November 27,2019]
2.Fundumentals,"IntegrationTesting",2019.http://softwaretestingfundamentals.com/integration-testing/ Acessed:[November 27,2019]
3.Software Testing Class,"What is the difference between Unit Testing and Integration Testing",March 18, 2015.https://www.softwaretestingclass.com/what-is-difference-between-unit-testing-and-integration-testing/ Acessed:[November 27,2019]
