Web development using Laravel PHP

Good Day everyone! This past few months is so hectic because I am undergoing with different seminars that is required for our advance seminar subjects. So l am going to start sharing my insights on my 3rd post on the blog of mine regarding on the seminar that I attended.

Sharp 9:00 am on 12th day of October 2019, we, the 4th year BSIT students conducted and actively participated in the Web Development Seminar using Laravel PHP held at ITL3, IT Bldg. at Davao del Norte State College with our resource speaker Juneroy Derano. Mr. Derano said that among the fast paced web application framework that is available on the internet and market, Laravel is the most in demand and reliable especially in the business enterprises.


Laravel is a free, open-source PHP web framework, created by Taylor Otwell and intended for the development of web applications following the model-view-controller(MVC) architectural pattern and based on Symfony.It is also a framework with expressive and elegant design and attempts to take the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in the majority of web projects, such as authentication, routing, sessions, and caching (Wikipedia,2011).
There are lots of additional information that I acquire on that said seminar from our respective speaker like on how to properly apply Laravel, I get that it should be one of the best options for developers for their needs in application development. And like in our case that we are still developing our Capstone Project, one of the best option that we must use is the Laravel Framework.

He also added that web development using Laravel framework is fun (just like him) and exciting at the same time easy to manipulate, and on trend because it uses a lot of advance functions and covered with the best features and performance in the field of web development. He also shared his experience in his work as a dev in a certain company and I found it challenging at the same time encouraging.
He also introduced its built in features like routing, authentication and sessions so that it will help to reduce the development time spent. And he discussed what are the basic features and functions in Laravel like the commands to run the application and the artisan which gives an assistance and ease or I should say manual for the user, object-oriented libraries which is significant for security in the system, and Laravel is supported with MVC(Model-View-Controller) which is important for the backend developers that will enhanced their performance and give them the best results in short run of time, and last is how to do database migration which is important to give an ease to the another system.
The seminar last for almost 7 hours and I don’t feel any boredom and dull moment. Due to that our speaker is very straightforward and entertaining which makes me more attentive to participate, to do all the exercises given and I instill somethings that is very helpful for our resources. But it’s not my luck my luck because I’ve missed to take a photo with our speaker, but still the most important thing is, he made my seminar productive and worthy that why I owe and thank him a lot.
That’s all Guys! Thank you for reading! till next time….
